TM 5-3805-262-342-5. FUEL SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION1. FUEL INJECTION PUMP NOT OPERATING PROPERLY (Cont).Step 16.Step 17.Step 18.With control lever against adjustment screw, increase fuel injectionpump speed to 1300 rpm.Check that rack travel dial indicator indicates 0.012 to 0.067 inchrack travel.a. If dial indicator indicates 0.012 to 0.067 inch, go to step 17below.b.If dial indicator does not indicate 0.012 to 0.067 inch, makecoarse adjustments by adjusting swivel lever adjusting screw(one click counterclockwise increases rack travel 0.0098 inch).Make fine adjustments by adjusting no load governed speed ad-justment screw.Operate fuel injection pump at 600 rpm.Watch rack travel dial indicator and increase speed to 1300 rpm.Dial indicator should hold steady (not fluctuate) within 0.008 inch.a. If dial indicator holds steady within 0.008 inch, go to step 18below.b. If dial indicator does not hold steady within 0.008 inch, disas-semble governor (page 3-173). Check for bent guide lever, ten-sioning lever, or swivel lever.Lock control lever against noload governed speed adjustmentscrew.Set test bench for 1000strokes.Operate fuel injection pump at1100 rpm.Take a fuel draw.Fuel delivery from each cylin-der should be 89 to 95 cc/1000strokes.a. If fuel delivery from eachcylinder is 89 to 95 cc/1000 strokes, tighten nuton full load delivery screwto lock adjustment. Recordrack travel dial indicatorreading and go to step 19below.2-65
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