TM 5-3805-262-34
Position main bearing caps (12
thru 14) in cylinder block.
Lubricate capscrew (10)
threads and under head using
OE/HDO 30 engine oil.
Install two washers (11) and
capscrews (10). Tighten to 195
to 215 lb-ft.
Check bore diameter using bore
gage at three angular loca-
tions as shown.
If bore diameter is not
3.191 to 3.192 inches (one
of three measurements may be
up to 0.0005 inch over spe-
cified dimensions and not
require reboring), bore out
to meet tolerance. If
vertical dimension is out of
tolerance or cap is shifted
sideways, rework cap by re-
moving 0.030 inch stock from
mating surface and then bore
out to meet above measure-
To prevent bearing cap from wobbling, be sure to machine new mounting
surface flat.
(11) Inspect all other parts for cracks, excessive wear, or thread damage.