TM 5-3805-262-344-1. ENGINE MAINTENANCE (CONT)f. RearOilSeal.This task covers removal, cleaning, and installation of crank-shaft rear oil seal and oil seal retainer. Replacement of standard size rear oilseal is covered in paragraph (l); refer to paragraph (2) (page 4-40) for replacementof standard size rear oil seal with oversize oil seal.NOTEUse oversize rear oil seal and wear sleeve when crankshaft flange isworn and standard size oil seal does not stop oil leakage.(1) Standard Size Rear Oil Seal Replacement.TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool KitSafety glassesScrewdriverTorque wrench, 1/2 inch driveAutomotive Mechanic’s Tool KitSocket wrench set, 1/2 inch driveRear seal lip positioning tool (FSCM 10988 PN A61271)Arbor pressMATERIALS/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1)Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2)Non-hardening sealant (Appendix C, item 10)Grease (Appendix C, item 11)Rear oil seal retainer gasket (FSCM 10988 PN A32830)Rear oil seal (FSCM 10988 PN A62050)NOTEPRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Flywheel housing removed (page 3-54) and flywheelremoved (page 3-57).REMOVAL(a)Remove eight capscrews, two at bottom of rear oil seal retainer and sixat front of rear oil seal retainer.(b)(c)(d)Remove oil seal retainer.Remove and discard oil seal retainergasket.Remove rear oil seal from oil sealretainer and discard oil seal.4-37
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