TM 5-3805-262-344-1. ENGINE MAINTENANCE (CONT)f. RearOilSeal(Cont).(2) Oversize Rear Oil Seal Replacement.TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool KitSafety glassesAutomotive Mechanic’s Tool KitHand hammerDrive pin punch, 1/8 inch pointHeat resistant glovesGear and bearing heaterSeal and sleeve positioning tool (FSCM 10988 PN A43195)MATERIALS/PARTS : Grease (Appendix C, item 11)Wear seal-kit (FSCM 10988 PN A43194)NOTEPRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Flywheel housing removed (page 3-54) and flywheelremoved (page 3-57).REMOVAL OF STANDARD SIZE REAR OIL SEALUsing a hammer and punch, carefully remove oil seal from oil seal retainer.Discard oil seal.INSTALLATION OF WEAR SLEEVE AND OVERSIZED REAR OIL SEAL (SHEET 1 OF 2)(a) Heat wear sleeve on a cone type heater.When handling heated parts, always wear heat resistant gloves to preventburning your hands. If you burn your hands, get medical assistance imme-diately.4-40
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