TM 5-3805-291-23-1
0007 00
Table 1. MID 036 Engine Control - Continued.
Throttle Position Signal
This code is generated when the engine ECM detects an incorrect
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frequency on the throttle signal. The code is logged and the engine ECM
flags the throttle position as invalid data and a default value of zero
percent is used. When this code is generated, the engine speed is limited
to low idle.
Fuel Pressure Open/
This code is generated when the engine ECM detects a signal voltage
0094 03
Short to +Battery
from the sensor that is above normal. The code is logged. The engine
ECM flags fuel pressure as invalid data and a default value is used. This
code has no effect on system performance.
Fuel Pressure Short to
This code is generated when the engine ECM detects a signal voltage
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from the sensor that is below normal. The code is logged. The engine
ECM flags fuel pressure as invalid data and a default value is used. This
code has no effect on system performance.
Engine Oil Pressure
This code is generated when the engine ECM detects a signal voltage
0100 03
Open/Short to +Battery
from the sensor that is above normal. The code is logged. The engine
ECM flags oil pressure as invalid data and a default value is used. This
code has no effect on system performance.
Engine Oil Pressure
This code is generated when the engine ECM detects a signal voltage
0100 04
Short to Ground
from the sensor that is below normal. The code is logged. The engine
ECM flags oil pressure as invalid data and a default value is used. This
code has no effect on system performance.
Engine Oil Pressure
This diagnostic code is designed to detect the loss of the 5 volt supply
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Sensor Abnormal Rate of at the sensor connector. The engine ECM will log the diagnostic code,
will flag the engine oil pressure as invalid data and a default value is
Engine Coolant
This code is generated when the engine ECM detects a signal voltage
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Temperature Open/Short that is above normal. The code is logged if the engine has been running
to +Battery
for more than seven minutes. The check engine lamp will illuminate
while this diagnostic code is active. The engine ECM uses the last valid
engine coolant temperature. If the diagnostic code is active at start-up
the engine ECM will use intake manifold temperature. If intake
manifold air temperature is not valid, the engine ECM will default to
194 F (90 C) for engine coolant temperature. The engine will not go
into cold mode while the diagnostic code is active. The engine ECM
will activate the cooling fan after this code has been active for more
than eight seconds. This code has no effect on system performance.
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