TM 5-3805-291-23-1
0017 00
Calibration Problems
The following troubleshooting guide can be used to identify probable causes of calibration problem and the necessary correc-
tive actions needed. Refer to the appropriate calibration procedure sections. Also, refer to Systems Operation, "Implement
Electronic Control System".
Problem 1: The kickout position cannot be set according to the calibration procedure for the solenoid valve in the
RAISE and in the LOWER positions. These calibrations are found in the Main Control Valve (MSD) Calibration in this
work package.
Probable Cause 1 - Calibration of the lift linkage position sensor is required.
Corrective Action - Refer to Lift and Tilt Linkage Position Sensor Calibration in this work package.
Probable Cause 2 - Input from the lift linkage position sensor is not being read by the ECM.
Corrective Action - Check the options code for the implement ECM.
Problem 2: The value for the duty cycle did not appear in the display when the solenoid valve was being calibrated in
the RAISE and in the LOWER positions. These calibration procedures can be found in Main Control Valve (MSD) Cal-
ibration in this work package.
Probable Cause 1 - Input from the lift linkage position sensor is not being read by the ECM.
Corrective Action - Check the options code for the implement ECM.
Probable Cause 2 - The CAT data link has an open circuit.
Corrective Action - Reconnect the data link.
Problem 3: The "READY" message does not appear in the display when the solenoid valve is being calibrated in the
RAISE and in the LOWER positions. These calibrations are found in Main Control Valve (MSD) Calibration in this
work package.
Probable Cause 1 - The engine speed is too low.
Corrective Action - Increase engine speed to high idle.
Probable Cause 2 - The lift arms are drifting excessively.
Corrective Action - Correct the drift problem.
Problem 4: The lift arms respond immediately to lever movement when the solenoid valve is being calibrated in the
RAISE and in the LOWER positions. These calibrations are found in Main Control Valve (MSD) Calibration in this
work package.
Probable Cause - The lift arms are drifting excessively.
Corrective Action - Correct the drift problem.
Try starting calibration of the lift with the work tool on the ground. Lower the lift arms with the engine at
low idle. For lower calibration, fully extend lift cylinders with the engine at low idle before starting calibra-
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