TM 5-3805-291-23-1
0017 00
Calibration Problems - Continued
Problem 5: The "DONE" message does not appear in the display when the solenoid valve is being calibrated in the
RAISE and in the LOWER positions. These calibrations are found in Main Control Valve (MSD) Calibration in this
work package.
Probable Cause - Erroneous data was recorded when the solenoid valve was being calibrated in the RAISE and in the
LOWER positions. These calibrations are found in Main Control Valve (MSD) Calibration in this work package.
Corrective Action - Turn off the engine. Restart the calibration procedure.
Problem 6: The "READY" message never appeared in the display during Maximum Modulation Current to Solenoid
Valves Calibration in this work package.
Probable Cause - The engine speed is too low.
Corrective Action - Increase engine speed to high idle.
Problem 7: Speed of dump too fast when the calibration is complete. Speed of dump is uncontrollable when the calibra-
tion is complete.
Probable Cause - Maximum dump modulation current is too high.
Corrective Action - Decrease the maximum dump modulation current accordingly to the direction in Maximum Modu-
lation Current to Solenoid Valves Calibration in this work package.
Problem 8: The speed for the dump cycle is too slow when calibration is complete.
Probable Cause - Maximum dump modulation current is too low.
Corrective Action - Verify the maximum speed of the dump according to the directions in Maximum Modulation Cur-
rent to Solenoid Valves Calibration in this work package.
Problem 9: Speed of tilt back is too fast when calibration is complete. Speed of tilt back is uncontrollable.
Probable Cause - Maximum modulation current for the tilt back is too high.
Corrective Action - Verify the maximum speed of the tilt back according to the direction in Maximum Modulation Cur-
rent to Solenoid Valves Calibration in this work package.
Problem 10: Speed of tilt back is too slow when calibration is complete.
Probable Cause - Maximum modulation current for the tilt back is too low.
Corrective Action - Verify the maximum speed of tilt back according to the directions in Maximum Modulation Current
to Solenoid Valves Calibration in this work package.
Problem 11: Lift speed too fast when calibration is complete. Lift speed is uncontrollable.
Probable Cause - Maximum lift modulation current is too high.
Corrective Action - Verify maximum lift speed according to the directions in Maximum Modulation Current to Sole-
noid Valves Calibration in this work package.
Problem 12: Lift speed is too slow when calibration is complete.
Probable Cause - Maximum lift modulation current is too low.
Corrective Action - Verify maximum lift speed according to the directions in Maximum Modulation Current to Sole-
noid Valves Calibration in this work package.
0017 00-4