olution or less, clockwise to increase pressure or
against stops. Accelerate to maximum rpm. The
counter-clockwise to decrease pressure.
gauge attached to the primary section pressure
port should- read system relief pressure.
5. When pressure reading on gauge reaches that
specified in Specifications and Service Data sec-
2. If gauge reading is not as specified, adjust main
tion at rear of this manual, tighten locknut, re-
steering relief valve located at base of steering
l e a s e throttle and steering wheel, shut down
gear as described under 500 HOUR MAINTENANCE
engine, remove gauge.
Check and Adjust Steering Pump: The steer-
3. W i t h steering against stops, increase engine
ing pump is a double pump consisting of a primary
rpm slowly starting at low idle.
section and a secondary section, From low idle to
4. C a r e f u l l y watching tachometer and pressure
approximately 1600 rpm, both primary and secon-
gauge attached to steer pump secondary pres-
dary sections are supplying the steering system.
sure port, note the rpm at which pressure drop-
F r o m approximately 1600 to maximum rpm, the
off occurs.
primary section continues to supply the steering
system, but the secondary section by-passes.
5. R e m o v e acorn nut and o-ring on steer pump
valve. See Figure 37.
Maintenance consists of periodically checking,
and adjusting if necessary, the rpm at which the
6. Turn adjusting screw clockwise to increase or
secondary steering pump section by-passes.
counter-clockwise to decrease pressure drop-off
1. Install tachometer on engine.
7. After correct setting has been obtained, rein-
2. Install two 3000 psi capacity gauges, one at the
s t a l l acorn nut and o-ring. Recheck pressure
steering pump primary section port, and one at
drop-off rpm to be certain adjustment was not
the secondary section port. See Figure 37.
disturbed while installing acorn nut and o-ring.
3. Remove safety links if attached between frames.
8. S h u t down engine, remove gauges and tacho-
WARNING: Do not stand or work in stop
area(s) when engine is running. No room for a
Bleed Steering Relief Valve: Whenever steer-
man in this area when machine is turned.
ing pressure is checked or if chattering occurs in
the steering valve, the steering relief valve must
4. S t a r t engine and maintain low idle rpm, turn
be bled to remove air trapped in the valve. To bleed
steering against stops and hold. At this point,
relief valve, open bleed screw and turn steering
both gauges should read steering relief pressure
wheel until a solid stream of oil flows from the
or slightly below.
bleed screw. Then close bleed screw.
5. A c c e l e r a t e engine rpm observing gauges and
A d j u s t D r a g l i n k B a l l J o i n t s : Adjust front
and rear ball joints on drag link whenever exces-
attached to the secondary port indicates a large
s i v e play develops. This condition will be indi-
p r e s s u r e drop off. At this point, tachometer
should read approximately 1600 rpm.
cated by an increase of free play at the steering
wheel before tractor responds to turning action,
6. Accelerate to maximum rpm with steering held
a g a i n s t stops. The gauge attached to the pri-
R e m o v e cotter (Item 1) and turn slotted ad-
m a r y port should read system relief pressure
justing plug (Item 2) to remove all slack in ball
while the gauge attached to the secondary port
joints at each end of drag link as shown in Figure
indicates very little pressure.
T i g h t e n Mounting Bolts: Mounting bolts on
If secondary pump section does not show a pres-
such components as engine, torque converter,
sure drop-off at approximately 1600 rpm, it will be
transmission, steering gear, axles and prop shafts
necessary to adjust the valve on the steering pump.
will occasionally work loose and cause supports and
Proceed with valve adjustment as follows.
brackets to wear rapidly. Alignment difficulty may
1. Turn steering to extreme right or left and hold
also develop.