Engine Tune-Up
1. Loosen the lock nut and back out the low speed stop
2. Start the engine and carefully reduce the speed with
the throttle until the desired idle speed is established.
3. Turn the low-speed stop screw down until the
engine speed just begins to increase.
4. Tighten the lock nut to secure the stop screw in
NOTE: The marine engine is stopped when the
solenoid in the oil dump line from the governor
servo-piston is energized.
Governors with Synchronizing Motor
Some hydraulic governors are equipped with a
reversible electric synchronizing motor (Fig. 10)
mounted on the governor cover.
The adjustments on a governor equipped with a
synchronizing motor are the same as on a governor
without the motor. However, the governor cover and
Fig. 12 - Adjusting Low-Speed Stop Screw
motor assembly must be removed when setting the
engine speed droop (except on a governor equipped
thus preventing false engine shutdowns. To establish
with the external droop adjustment). The cover and
motor must be reinstalled to check the speed droop.
the desired engine idle speed, proceed as follows:
The pointer should move from 0 to 36 (on some
The governor on the l6V engine is mounted on and
governors. the pointer may not quite reach 36). Next,
driven from the front end of the rear blower (Fig. 1)
check to be sure that the pointer is exactly at zero
The governor to injector rack control linkage is shown
when the linkage is in the no fuel position. If not,
in Fig. 2.
adjust the pointer or the terminal lever shaft position
indicator plate (scale).
The objectives of the tune-up are (1) to adjust the
linkage so the injector racks will be at the full-fuel
T h e p ointer is attached to a metal ring which is
p o s i t i o n when the t e r m i n a l lever shaft pointer
secured to the terminal shaft by a set screw (Fig. 3).
indicates exactly 18, (2) to set the band level so the
To make the zero adjustment, loosen the ret screw and,
governor will place the pointer at exactly 18 just
with the linkage in the no fuel position, set the pointer
below full-load speed and. (3) to adjust the speed
at exactly zero. Then tighten the set screw.
droop, idle speed and maximum no-load speed
After the zero adjustment is completed, to make sure
Prior to starting the tune- up. remove the governor
the shaft is assembled correctly, reach in behind the
control housing cover and turn the buffer screw out
differential lever in the governor control housing and
until it clears the differential lever approximately 1/4
force the governor operating 1ever upward until the
inch, when the speed control lever is in the idle
pointer is aligned exactly with the 18 mark (Fig. 6)
position. Then hold the speed control lever in the
The pointer should he vertical; if it is approximately
maximum speed position and move the governor
1/16" off vertical, the shaft is probably out one
operating lever to check the travel of the terminal
serration. To make the necessary correction, remove
shaft lever as indicated by the pointer.
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