Engine Tune-Up
7. Adjust the 5R, 4L and 5L injector rack control
control lever adjusting screws. Be sure all of the
levers as outlined in Steps 5 and 6. When the settings
control levers are free on the control tubes.
are correct, all four of the injector racks will be snug
on the ball end of the control levers when the injectors
3. Disconnect the upper end of the adjustable vertical
link (Fig. 1) from the differential lever pin.
are in the full-fuel position. The linkage gage may be
removed at this time.
CAUTION: Stuff a clean rag in the opening to
prevent the clip or washer from dropping into
8. To adjust the remaining injector rack control levers
the engine.
on the right front bank, hold the 4R injector rack in
the full-fuel position, by means of the control tube
4. Place linkage gage J 21351 in position so the pin in
lever, and turn down the inner adjusting screw of the
the gage enters the hole in the bell crank lever and the
3R injector rack control lever until it bottoms lightly
tangs on each side of the gage rest on top of the
on the injector control tube. Then alternately tighten
governor drive housing cover (Fig. 4). The gage holds
both the inner and outer adjusting screws.
the linkage in the full-fuel position while the injector
NOTE: Overtightening of the injector rack
racks are being adjusted.
control lever adjusting screws during installa-
5. Adjust the 4R injector rack by turning the inner
tion or adjustment can result in damage to the
adjusting screw down until a slight movement of the
injector control tube. The recommended torque
control tube is observed or a step-up in effort is noted
of the adjusting screws is 24-36 in-lbs (3-4
(Fig. 5). This will place the rack in the full-fuel
position. Turn the outer adjusting screw down until it
9. Recheck the 4R injector rack to be sure it has
bottoms slightly on the control tube. Then alternately
remained snug on the ball end of the injector rack
tighten both the inner and outer adjusting screws.
control lever. If the 4R injector rack has become loose,
CAUTION: If the injector rack is set too tight, it
back off the inner adjusting screw slightly on the 3R
will cause the fuel rod to bend.
injector rack control lever and tighten the outer
adjusting screw. When the settings are correct, both
6. To be sure the injector rack control lever is properly
adjusted, press down on the injector rack with a screw
driver or finger tip. A light pressure should cause the
rack to rotate. The rack is sufficiently tight if it returns
to its original position when the pressure is removed.
The rack is too tight if a heavy pressure is required to
rotate it.
Fig. 5 - Positioning No 4R Injector Rack
Control Lever
Fig. 4 - Linkage Gage In Position
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