E N G I N ETM 5-3805-258-24-1S Y S T E M S O P E R A T I O NLUBRICATION SYSTEMSYSTEM OIL FLOWLUBRICATION SYSTEMSCHEMATIC (ENGINEWARM)1. Oil passage (to front idler gear). 2. Oil pe$eage (to turbocharger and fuelinjectionpump). 3. Rocker arm shaft. 4. Oil preaaure connection. 5, Oil manifold. 6. Pistoncoolingorifices.7. Camahaft bearing bore.8. Balancar shalt bearing bores.9. Oil coolerbypassvalve, 10. Oil filterbypaaavalve. 11. Oil filter. 12. Turbocharger. 13. Oil pump.14. Oilpan.15. Engineoil coolar.Oil pump (13) pulls oil from oil pan ( 14) and thenpushes the oil to oil cooler (15). From the oil coolerthe oil goes to oil filter (11) and then to oil manifold(5). From the oil manifold, oil goes to all main bear-ings, piston cooling orifices, camshaft and balancershaft bearings. Oil passages in the crankshaft sendoil to the connecting rod bearings. Oil from the frontmain bearing goes through oil passage (1) to thebearing for the fuel injection pump idler gear.Oil passage (2) from No. 3 main bearing sends oilto turbocharger (12) and the fuel injection pumphousing on the right side of the engine.An oil passage from the rear of the cylinder blockgoes below the head bolt hole and connects with adrilled passage that goes up next to the head bolthole. A hollow dowel connects the vertical oil passagein the cylinder block to the oil passage in the head.The spacer plate has a hole with a counterbore oneach side that the hollow dowel goes through. An O-ring is in each counterbore to prevent oil leakagearound the hollow dowel. Oil flows through the hol-low dowel into a vertical passage in the cylinder headto the rocker arm shaft bracket. The rocker arm shaft3-13
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