E N G I N ETM 5-3805-258-24-1S Y S T E M S O P E R A T I O NBASIC BLOCKCYLINDER BLOCKThe oil ring is a standard (conventional) type andis spring loaded. Holes in the oil ring groove provideThe cylinder block has four cylinders arranged infor the return of oil to the crankcase.line. There are seven main bearings that support thecrankshaft. Thrust bearings installed on the rearThe piston pin bore in the piston is offset (movedmain bearing web control the end play of theaway) from the center of the piston 0.76 mm (.030crankshaft.in.). The full floating piston pin is held in the pistonby two snap rings which fit into grooves in the pistonThe cylinder block has cylinder liners that can bepin bore.replaced. The top surface (deck) of the cylinderblock is the support for the liners. A spacer plate, thatThe piston pin end of the connecting rod is taperedgoes between the cylinder block and the head, is usedto give more bearing surface at the area of highestto eliminate the need to counterbore the block for theload. The connecting rod is installed on the pistonliner flange.with the bearing tab slots on the same side as the “V”mark on the piston.PISTONS, RINGS AND CONNECTING RODSThe cast aluminum piston has three rings; twocompression rings and one oil ring. All rings arelocated above the piston pin bore. The two compres-sion rings are of the KEYSTONE type and seat in aniron band that is cast into the piston. KEYSTONErings have a tapered shape and the movement of therings in the piston groove (also of tapered shape)results in a constantly changing clearance (scrubbingaction) between the ring and the groove. This actionresults in a reduction of carbon deposit and possiblesticking of rings.CRANKSHAFTThe crankshaft changes the combustion forces inthe cylinder into usable rotating torque which powersthe machine. There is a gear at the front of thecrankshaft that drives the timing gears and the en-gine oil pump. The connecting rod bearing surfacesget oil for lubrication through passages drilled in thecrankshaft. Lip seals and wear sleeves are used atboth ends of the crankshaft to control oil leakage.3-17
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