E N G I N EC O O L I N G S Y S T E MTM 5-3805-258-24-1S Y S T E M S O P E R A T I O NCOOLING SYSTEMCOOLANT FLOW1. Radiator. 2. iniet line to radiator. 3. Water temperature regulator. 4. Engine oii cooier. 5. Cyiinder head. 6. Cyiinderblock. 7. Inlatline to water pump. 8. Water pum”p. 9. inter;al bypass. 10. Bonnet. 11. Tran8misaion oil cooler.COOLANT FLOWWater pump (8) is on the left front side of theengine. It is gear driven by the timing gears. Coolantfrom the bottom of radiator (1) goes to water pumpinlet (7). The rotation of the impeller in water pump(8) pushes the coolant through the system.When an engine does not have a transmission oilcooler, all of the coolant flow from water pump (8)goes through engine oil cooler (4). Bonnet (10) onthe outlet side of engine oil cooler (4) connects tothe side of cylinder block (6).When an engine has a transmission oil cooler adifferent bonnet (10) is on engine oil cooler (4). Thisbonnet (10) sends the coolant flow through thetransmission oil cooler (11) which is for the torqueconverter. The flow goes through one side on the3-15way into cooler (11). At the bottom of cooler (11)the flow turns and goes back up through the otherside and into bonnet (10) again. Then bonnet (10)sends the coolant into cylinder block (6).Inside cylinder block (6) the coolant goes aroundthe cylinder liners and up through the water direc-tors into cylinder head (5). The water directors sendthe flow of coolant around the valves and the pas-sages for exhaust gases in cylinder head (5). Thecoolant goes to the front of cylinder head (5). Herewater temperature regulator (3) controls the direc-tion of the flow. If the coolant temperature is lessthan normal for engine operation, water tempera-ture regulator (3) is closed. The only way for thecoolant to get out of cylinder head (5) is throughinternal bypass (9). The coolant from this line goesinto water pump (8) which pushes it through the
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