TM 5-3805-258-24-1E N G I N EC O O L I N G S Y S T E MS Y S T E M S O P E R A T I O Ncooling system again. The coolant from internalbypass (9) also works to prevent cavitation (airbubbles) in the coolant. When the coolant gets tothe correct temperature, water temperature regula-tor (3) opens and coolant flow is divided. Most ofthe coolant goes through the radiator (1) for cooling.The remainder goes through intenal bypass (9) towater pump (8). The amount of the two flows iscontrolled by water temperature regulator (3).COOLING SYSTEM(TYPICAL EXAMPLE)2. Inlet line for radiator. 3. Water temperature regulator.4. Engine oil cooler. 7. Inlet line for water pump. 8. Waterpump. 10. Bonnet. 11. Transmission 011 cooler.NOTE: The water temperature regulator is an im-portant part of the cooling system. It divides coolantflow between the radiator (1) and the internal bypass(9) as necessary to maintain the correct operatingtemperature. If the regulator is not installed in thesystem, there is no mechanical control and most ofthe coolant will follow the path of least resistancethru the internal bypass (9). This will cause the en-gine to overheat in hot weather. In cold weather,even the small amount of coolant that goes thru theradiator (1) is too much and the engine will not getto normal operating temperature.The internal bypass (9) has another functionwhen the cooling system is being filled. It lets thecoolant go into cylinder head (5) and cylinder block(6) without going through water pump (8).Radiator (1) has a pressure relief cap and fillercap. The pressure relief cap keeps the pressure inthe cooling system from getting too high when theengine is running. It also lets air come into the sys-tem when the pressure in the system is less thanatmospheric.COOLING SYSTEM COMPONENTSWater PumpThe centrifugal-type water pump has two seals.One prevents leakage of water and the other pre-vents leakage of lubricant.An opening in the bottom of the pump housingallows any leakage at the water seal or the rearbearing oil seal to escape.FanThe fan is driven by two V-belts, from a pulleyon the crankshaft. Belt tension is adjusted by mov-ing the alternator.RadiatorSome models are equipped with a radiator thathas individual core sections. Each section can bereplaced separately if damaged.3-16
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