TM 5-3805-258-24-1P O W E R T R A INT O R Q U E C O N V E R T E RS Y S T E M S O P E R A T I O NFLOW OF POWER IN TORQUECONVERTERI. Rotating housing.4.lrrlet port.7. Turbine.9. Carrierassemblv.2. Impeller.S. Output gear.3. Gear.8. Stator.10. Outlet port.6. Output shaft.Oil from the transmission hydraulic controlsThe oil goes through a passage in carrier (9) toenters the torque converter through inlet port (4) inoutlet port (10). From outlet port (10), oil is directedcarrier (9). Oil is directed to the inlet port by ato the converter outlet relief valve. All the oil frompassage in the converter housing. From inlet port (4),the outlet relief valve goes to the oil cooler, where thethe oil goes through a passage in the hub. As impellertemperature of the oil is lowered. From the oil cooler,(2) rotates, it acts as a pump to direct oil to turbinethe oil is then sent to the transmission where it is used(7). The turbine is bolted to a hub, which is connect-to cool and lubricate the internal components.ed to output shaft (6) by splines. The turbine directsoil to stator (8), which is held stationary. The statoris connected to carrier (9) by splines. Carrier (9) isbolted to the torque converter housing.3-22
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