TM 5-3805-258-24-1POWER TRAINGENERAL INFORMATIONS Y S T E M S O P E R A T I O NLOCATION OF POWER TRAIN COMPONENTS1. Diesel engine.3. Front final drives.5. Reardrive shaft.7. Transmission.2. Output tranafergeara.4. Rearfinaldrives.6. Torqueconverter.8. Front drive shaft.Power from diesel engine (1) is sent from theflywheel to torque converter (6). The torque con-verter output gear is connected to the transmissioninput gear.Six hydraulically activated clutches in the trans-mission, give four forward speeds and four reversespeeds. Speed and direction selections are mademanually.The transmission output shaft is connected to agear in the output transfer gear case by splines.Power is sent through the gear to the output gear.The output gear sends power through drive shaft (5)to the rear drive pinion. The output gear also sendspower to the front drive pinion through drive shaft(8).The pinions, bevel gears and gears of each differ-ential turn their respective axles. The axles are con-nected to final drives (3) and (4). The final drivesturn the wheels.3-20
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