TM 5-3805-258-24-1A I R S Y S T E M A N D B R A K E SS Y S T E M S O P E R A T I O NAIR SUPPLY FOR THE AIR SYSTEMA I R S U P P L Y(Models 950BNS and 950BS)A I R S U P P L Y(Models 950BNSCE and 950BSCE)1. Air compressor. 2. Governor. 3. Drain valve. 4. Lineto air aystam for brakes. 5. Reservoir. 6. Reliaf valva(safety). 7. Chaskvalve. 8. Line from air compressortoair dryar. 9. Lina from air dryer to air rasarvoir. 10. Air dryar.11. Unloader line from air compressor to air dryer.Components of the air supply, for Models 950BNS and 950BS, are a compressor, governor, reliefvalve, reservoir and check valve.Components of the air supply, for Models 950BNSCE and 950 BSCE, are a compressor, governor,reservoir, and an air dryer.Air compressor (1) provides air pressure for theparking brake and wheel brake air circuits. Gover-nor (2) controls the pressure for operation of theair system.Relief valve (6) controls the maximum pressurein the air system. Reservoir (5) is used for storageof air pressure and for collection of water in theair system.Check valve (7) prevents the leakage of airpressure back to the air compressor.The air dryer is used to remove moisture andforeign material from the compressed air before itgets to the air reservoir.AIR COMPRESSOR AND GOVERNORL O C A T I O N O F T H E A I R C O M P R E S S OR1. Air compressor. 2. Governor.Air compressor (1), is driven by the accessory drivegear of the engine. Clean air comes into the air com-pressor from the intake manifold of the engine. Thecompressor gets coolant and lubrication from the en-gine cooling and lubrication systems.As seen from the flywheel end of the engine, the aircompressor is fastened to the left side of the fronttiming gear housing.Air compressor governor (2) is fastened to a bracketnear the air compressor. The governor controls theamount of pressure in the air system and keeps thepressure constant. Cut-in and cutout pressures for thegovernor are shown below.GOVERNOR AIR PRESSURESI2P7609 GovernorIModels 950BNS and 950BSCut-In Pressure655 k 14 kPa(95~ 2 psi)Cutout Pressure756& 14 kPa(l10*2mi)I4N9680 GovernorMedals 950BNSCE and 950BSCEIICut-In PressureI700 + O -35kPa(loo +o-5Dsi)ICutout Pressure825 A 35 kPa(120 * 5 psi)I3-72
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