TM 5-3805-258-24-1S Y S T E M S O P E R A T I O NA I R S Y S T E M A N D B R A K ESA I R S U P P L Y F O R T H E A l R S Y S T E MAIR RESERVOIRAir reservoir (3) is fastened to the rear of theengine end frame under the radiator. Protectionof the reservoir is provided by the crankcaseguard.L O C A T I O N O F A I R R E S E R V O IR1 . L i n e f r o m g o v e r n o r . 2 . R e l i e f v a l v e ( u n d e r e n g i n em o u n t ) . 3 . R e s e r v o i r . 4 . I n l e t f r o m a i r c o m p r e s s o r . 5 .Check valve. 6. Drain valve.The air reservoir has drain valve (6), relief valve(2) and check valve (5) fastened to it.Water can be drained from the air reservoir whendrain valve (6) is opened. This keeps the water out ofthe other components of the air system.AIR RELIEF VALVEThe air relief valve is fastened to the reservoir. Ifthe governor does not operate correctly, the reliefvalve will open at approximately 1030 kPa (150 psi)to prevent damage to the air system. The setting ofthe relief valve can not be adjusted.CHECK VALVEC O M P O N E N T S O F T H E C H E C K V A L VE1. Seat. 2. Valve. 3. Spring.The one-way check valve in the system is used tostop the reverse flow of air from the air reservoir. Thecheck valve is fastened to the air reservoir.Air from the air compressor will put spring (3) incompression and valve (2) will open. This permits airto flow into the reservoir.When the air pressure in the reservoir and theforce of spring (3) is more than the air pressure fromthe compressor, valve (2) will move against seat (1).Air can not go from the reservoir to the aircompressor.AIR DRYER (Refer to Air Supply Illustration,page 3-72)The air dryer (10) is installed in the verticalposition in the air line between the air compressor(1) and the air reservoir (5). The dryer helps reducecorrosion and prevent possible problems in the airsystem, especially the air brake system caused bymoisture in temperatures below 32°F (0°C).With the use of an air dryer, it is not necessaryto drain the air system reservoirs daily.The air dryer has a heater and thermostat as-sembly to keep moisture from freezing in the purgevalve drain when the unit is used in temperaturesof 32°F (0°C) or lower. The 60 watt, 12 or 24volt DC heater and thermostat assembly has anoperating range between 50°F (10°C) and 85°F(30°C).Air, under pressure is sent to the air dryer (10)from the compressor (1) through supply line (8).The unsaturated “dry air” from the air dryer goesthrough line (9) to the air reservoir (5).When the air pressure from the compressor (1)reaches the high limit setting of the governor (2),the charge cycle ends and the purge cycle begins.Air will go from the compressor (1) through un-loader line (11) to the purge valve in the air dryer(10). The opening of the purge valve and internalair dryer operation, permit air pressure in the dryerto exhaust condensation and foreign material tothe atmosphere. This is referred to as the purgecycle.When air pressure goes below governor (2) limitsetting, the air compressor (1) will again beginsending compressed air to the air dryer (10)through supply line (8) and the charge cyclebegins.3-73
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