TM 5-3805-258-24-1H Y D R A U L I C S Y S T E MS Y S T E M S O P E R A T I O NHYDRAULIC SYSTEMINTRODUCTIONLOCATION OF STANDARD COMPONENTS1. Hydraulic pump.3. Lift, tik and attachment5. Hydraulic tank.2. Selector andpresaurepilot valves.6. Liftcylinders (two).control valve.4. Tilt cylinder.The implement hydraulic system controls theoperation of the bucket and attachment (log fork,side dump or multi-purpose bucket, etc.). Thereare two separate oil systems in the implementhydraulic system: pilot oil system and main(implement) oil system. The implement oil systemis controlled by the pilot oil system. The standardimplement hydraulic system has a hydraulic pump(1), hydraulic tank (5) with oil filters, selector andpressure control valve (2), lift and tilt pilot valve(3), lift and tilt (two spool) control valve (7), con-trol linkage with electrical bucket positioner andlift kickout, tilt cylinder (4) and lift cylinders (6).The implement hydraulic system, in additionto these components, has an attachment (third)pilot valve, attachment (three spool control valve,sequence valve,shuttle valve and attachmentcylinders. To control the attachment, an additionalcontrol lever (10) is added in the operator’s station.This third lever is to the right of lift control leverLift, tilt and attachmentcontrol valvea.(8).The hydraulic system is an open center, pilotoperated circuit. The flow of oil through the sys-tem is not completely continuous. Hydraulic pumpCONTROL LEVERS(1) for the hydraulic system is a three section8. Lift control lever.9. TiIt control lever.10. Attachmentpump (implement, steering and pilot).control lever.3-89
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