HYDRAULIC SYSTEMTM 5-3805-258-24-1SYSTEMS OPERATIONS C H E M A T I C O F S T E E R I N G A NDI M P L E M E N T S E C T I O NS1 . C a m r i n g . 2 . R o t o r . 3 . O u t l e t . 4 . V a n e . 5 . I n l e t . 6 .Slot. 7. Passage. 8. Inlet. 9. Insert. 10. Outlet, A, B, C, D, Eand F. Positions of vanes.As rotor (2) turns, the vanes in positions (E) and(F) move out and follow the shape (contour) of thecam ring. The chamber area between the vanes in-creases which causes a low pressure or vacuum in thechamber. This pressure difference causes oil to flowthrough inlet (8). The oil fills the space betweenvanes at positions (D) and (E) and continues to fillthe space through positions (A) and (D). Oil betweenthe vanes at positions (A) and (D) will be trapped(held) when the vane at position (D) passes the end ofinlet (8). As rotor (2) continues to turn, the vanes arepushed in by the contour of cam ring (1). Thechamber area between the vanes now decreases. Oilbetween the vanes at positions (A) and (B) is pushedinto outlet (3). The oil continues to be pushed outthrough positions (B) and (C). When the vane atposition (B) passes the end of outlet (3), the cycle iscompleted.Both ends of the vanes are connected by passages(7) in the rotor. The oil found in these passages keepsthe pressure even on both ends of the vanes andpermits the oil behind the vanes to go out (escape) asthe vanes are pushed back in.Operation Of The Pilot Pump SectionThe components of the pilot section are: a plate,adapter, seal packs, cam ring (2), rotor (1) and vanes(8). The operation of the pilot section is the same asthe other two sections, except that the pilot sectiondoes not have inserts inside the vanes.S C H E M A T I C O F P I L O T P U M P S E C T t ON1. Rotor. 2. Cam ring. 3. Outlet. 4. Passage. 5. Inlet. 6.Inlet. 7. Outlet. 8. Vane. A, B, C, D, E, F and G. Positions ofv a n e s .At first, vanes (8) are pushed out against cam ring(2) by centrifugal force. Pressure oil in passages (4)of rotor (1) keeps the vanes pushed out against thecam ring. Both ends of the vanes are connected bythese passages. This oil keeps the pressure even onboth ends of the vanes and permits the oil behind thevanes to go out (escape) as the vanes are pushed backin.As rotor (1) turns, the vanes in positions (F) and(G) move out and follow the shape (contour) of thecam ring. The chamber area between the vanes in-creases which causes a low pressure or vacuum in thechamber. This pressure difference causes oil to flowthrough inlet (6), The oil fills the space betweenvanes at positions (F) and (G) and continues to fillthe space through positions (E) and (A). Oil betweenthe vanes at positions (E) and (A) will be trapped(held) when the vane at position (E) passes the end ofinlet (6). As rotor (1) continues to turn, the vanes arepushed in by the contour of cam ring (2). Thechamber area between the vanes now decreases. Oilbetween the vanes at positions (A) and (B) is pushedinto outlet (3). The oil continues to be pushed outthrough positions (C) and (D). When the vane atposition (C) passes the end of outlet (3), the cycle iscompleted.Operation Of The Pilot Section Relief ValveNOTEModels 950BNSCE and 950BSCE have a screen in thechamber for spring (6).Pressure oil from the pilot pump section comes intohousing (11) through inlet (1). At this time, valve (2)is closed and the oil goes through orifice (8) andoutlet (9) to the steering and implement pilot sys-tems. Some of this oil also goes through orifice (10)to the chamber for spring (6).3-93
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