TM 5-3805-258-24-1H Y D R A U L I C S Y S T E MS Y S T E M S O P E R A T I O NIn operation with the lift hydraulic circuit is thebucket lift kickout. It consists of lift detent lever(13), a roller and linkage, lift kickout solenoid (14),a magnet and lift kickout switch (21). The lift kick-out moves lift control lever (8) from the raise detent[on lever (13)] in RAISE position to the HOLDposition. This happens as the bucket lift armsmove from lower to raise when they get to correctbucket lift height. There is also a FLOAT detenton lift detent lever (13). The lever must be manuallymoved out of the FLOAT detent position, thereis no kickout.L E F T S I D E O F L O A D E R F R A ME21. Lift kickout switch.HYDRAULIC PUMPHYDRAULIC PUMP WITH THREE SECTIONS1. Implement pressure outlet. 2. Steering pressure outlet. 3. Housing for pilot sectionrelief valve. 4. Implement section. 5. Inlet from tank. 6. Steering section. 7. Pilot section.The hydraulic pump is a three section vane-typepump. Steering section (6) and implement section(4) are the cartridge type. The steering section pro-vides the oil needed to operate the steering cylinders.The implement section provides the oil needed tooperate the bucket and any attachments in the imple-ment hydraulic system. Pilot section (7) is a straightvane-type pump (it has no vane inserts). The pilotsection provides the oil needed to operate the handmetering unit of the steering hydraulic system. Italso provides the oil needed to operate the pilot valvesof the implement hydraulic system.All three pump sections get oil from the hydraulictank through inlet (5). Each section has its ownoutlet. Pilot section (7) has a relief valve in housing(4). The extra oil from the relief valve goes throughpilot drain outlet (2) and back to the tank.Operation Of The Steering And ImplementPump SectionsThe components of both the steering and imple-ment cartridges are similar: inlet and outlet supportplates, seal packs, flex plates, cam ring (1), rotor (2),vanes (4) and inserts (9).Since both pump sections (cartridges) are similaronly the description of one cartridge is given. Groovesin the flex plates send pressure oil to slots (6) in rotor(2). Oil from these slots goes into the area betweeninserts (9) and vanes (4). This pushes the vanes outagainst cam ring (1).3-92
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