H Y D R A U L I C S Y S T E MTM 5-3805-258-24-1S Y S T E M S O P E R A T I O NWhen the engine is off and the lift arms are raised,check valve (4) will permit pressure oil from the headend of the lift cylinders to go to the selector andpressure control valve for operation of pilot valves.Check valve (2) will not let the oil from the head endof the lift cylinders go into the pilot pump section.Pressure oil at inlet passage (6) pushes valve (7)against spring (8). The oil is then free to go throughholes (9) in valve (7) and out outlet passage (10).Pressure oil at outlet passage (10) pushes againstvalve (7) and holds it closed. No oil can flow throughthe check valve.SELECTOR AND PRESSURE CONTROL VALVEThe selector and pressure control valve is in thepilot oil system. It sends oil to the lift and tilt pilotvalve for its operation. The selector and pressurecontrol valve makes pressure oil available to the pilotvalve to lower a raised bucket (lift arms) when theengine is off.S E L E C T O R A N D P R E S S U R E C O N T R O L V A L V E1. Drain passage. 2. Spacers. 3. Spring. 4. Holes (four). 5.I n l e t p a s s a g e f r o m h e a d e n d o f l i f t c y l i n d e r s . 6 . V a l vespool. 7. Inlet passage from pilot pump section. 8. Holes(two). 9. Outlet passage to lift and tilt pilot valve.During normal operation, pressure oil from the pilot pumpsection goes through inlet passage (7). The pressure of thisoil is controlled by the pilot relief valve. This oil goesthrough holes (4) in valve spool (6), through the center ofthe valve spool and out outlet passage (9) to the lift andtilt pilot valve. This oil can not go through holes (8) andout inlet passage (5). There is a check valve in this line tostop the flow of oil to the head end of the lift cylinders.When the engine is off, there is no pressure oil at inletpassage (7). When the engine is off and the lift arms areraised, the pressure from the head end of the lift cylindersis in inlet passage (5). This oil is stopped (held) in thelines as long as the lower stem in the lift and tilt pilotvalve is in the HOLD position. When the lower stem ismoved to LOWER position, the pressure oil from the headend of the lift cylinders can now go through holes (8) invalve spool (6), through outlet passage (9), the pilot valve,and on to the lift valve spool in the lift and tilt controlvalve. The lift valve spool moves to LOWER position andthe lift the lift arms will lower. A check valve in the linefrom inlet passage (7) will not let oil go to the pilot pumpsection.NOTE: When the engine is off and the lift arms areraised, the bucket can also be dumped.When the engine is off, valve spool (6) also con-trols the pressure of the oil from inlet passage (5) tothe pilot valve [approximately 1030 kPa (150 psi)].When the pressure through outlet passage (9) getstoo high, the pressure will cause valve spool (6) tomove against the force of spring (3). This decreasesthe flow of oil through holes (8) in the valve spool anddecreases the pressure in outlet passage (9).LIFT AND TILT PILOT VALVEThe lift and tilt pilot valve is controlled manuallyby the operator. It sends oil from the pilot system tothe lift and tilt control valve which controls the oper-ation of the lift and tilt cylinders. There are fourvalve stems (of the pressure metering type) in the liftand tilt pilot valve. Two valve stems are needed foreach operation of lift and tilt.When a lift or tilt control lever is moved, oneplunger is pushed down in the pilot valve. Theplunger causes a valve stem to move down and sendpilot oil to one end of a valve spool in the lift and tiltcontrol valve. The valve spool then moves and pushesoil, from the opposite end of the valve spool, out of thelift and tilt control valve. The oil goes back to thepilot valve to another valve stem. The oil then goes todrain through tank passage (11).Three of the valve stems in the pilot valve are thesame: dump stem, tilt back stem and lift stem (13).Lower stem (12) is longer than the other three stems.All four stems are held in place the same way.HOLD Position Of Lift OperationWhen the lift control lever is in HOLD position,plungers (3) and (4) are in the same position (asshown). The plungers do not push up against actua-tor (1) in the hold position. Pressure oil from the pilotpump section goes through pump passage (20) and isstopped by the position of stems (12) and (13). Holes(14) and (15) are open to tank passage (11).3-95
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