TM 5-3805-258-24-1H Y D R A U L I C S Y S T E MS Y S T E M S O P E R A T I O NATTACHMENT PILOT VALVE(Close or Lower Stem in CLOSE or LOWER Position)OPEN or RAISE PositionWhen the attachment control lever is moved toOPEN or RAISE position, actuator (1) moves in aclockwise direction. The movement of the plungerand stem in the attachment pilot valve is the same asin RAISE position of the lift and tilt pilot valve. Openor raise stem (14) moves down and oil from pumppassage (13) goes through holes (12). The oil goesout passage (17) to one end of the attachment valvespool. The attachment valve spool moves into OPENor RAISE position.The oil from the chamber at the opposite end of theattachment valve spool comes back through passage(16). This oil goes through holes (11) of close orlower stem (15) into tank passage (6).CLOSE or LOWER PositionWhen the attachment control lever is moved toCLOSE or LOWER position, actuator (1) moves ina counterclockwise direction. The movement of theplunger and stem in the attachment pilot valve is thesame as in LOWER operation of the lift and tilt pilotvalve. Close or lower stem (15) moves down and oilfrom pump passage (13) goes through holes (11).The oil goes out passage (16) to one end of theattachment valve spool. The attachment valve spoolmoves to CLOSE or LOWER position.The oil from the chamber at the opposite end of theattachment valve spool comes back through passage(17). The oil goes through holes (12) of open or raisestem (14) into tank passage (6).1. Actuetor. 2. Plunger. 3. Plunger. 4. Retainer. 5. Re-tainer. 6. Tank paasage. 7. Metering spring. 6. Meteringspring.9. Centering spring. 10. Cantaring spring. 11.Holas. 12. Holes. 13. Pump (supply) passage.14. Open orraisastem. 15. Closeor lower stem. 16. Passage to at-tachment valvespool. 17. Passage to attachment valvespool.3-100
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