P O W E R S H I F T T R A N S M I S S I O NT E S T I N G A N D A D J U S T I N GTM 5-3805-258-24-1TRANSMISSION CONTROL LINKAGE ADJUSTMENTSDirection Linkage1. Put direction selection spool (1) in the NEU-TRAL position.2. Make an adjustment to the length of rod (2) sothat distance (A) from the center line of pin (4)to the face of cam (5) is 80.7 mm (3.18 in.).3. Install the cable housing in neutralizer housing(6) so that distance (C) is 12.0 mm (.47 in.).D I R E C T I O N C O N T R O L L I N K A GE( A t T r a n s m i s s i o n )1. Direction selection spool. 2. Rod. 3. Cable assembly. 4.P i n . 5 . C a m . 6 . N e u t r a l i z e r h o u s i n g . A . 8 0 . 7 m m ( 3 . 18in.). B. 14.0 mm (.55 in.). C. 12.0 mm (.47 in.). cable assembly (3) in cam (5) so thatdistance (B) is 14.0 mm (.55 in.)With direction selection spool (1) in the NEU-TRAL position, loosen nuts (7). Put transmis-sion selector lever in the NEUTRAL position.Engage (push in) the neutral lock on the rightside of the steering column (below the steeringwheel).Tighten nuts (7) to hold cable assembly (3) inplace.D I R E C T I O N C O N T R O L L I N K A GE( A t S t e e r i n g C o l u m n )3. Cable assembly. 7. nuts.Speed Linkage1. nuts (4) on cable assembly (1).Remove bolts (6) and washers.Loosen nut (14) until it is off threads (15) oncable assembly (1).Move seal (9) and washer (13) off threads (15).Turn bracket (5) until it is off threads (15).4-51
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