9 5 0 B S T E E R I N G S Y S T E MS T E E R I N G C O N T R O L V A L VE2. Shims. 3. Plug.If the pressure is not correct:a. Remove plug (3) from steering control valve.b. Add shims (2) to increase the pressure settingand remove shims if a decrease is necessary.PRESSURE CHANGE FOR ONE SHIM (2)Part No.ThicknessPressure Change3 H 2 5 4 90.25 mm (.010 in.)3 4 0 k P a ( 5 0 p s i )STEERING SLIP CHECKTo check the steering wheel slip:1. Put the machine on a dry hard surface. Raise thebucket and release the brakes.2. With the engine at low idle, turn the steeringwheel slowly through one revolution so that thereis a minimum of articulation. Do this in bothdirections to get the feel of the steering action.3. Do this test three more times in each direction.Make a note of the time required for each of therevolutions of the steering wheel.4. Add the three times for each direction. If thesetotals are 60 seconds or more, the slip isacceptable.5. If the totals are less than 60 seconds, remove thespool from the steering control valve. Turn thespool around in its bore (turn end for end). To dothis the spring, retainer and shims must be in-stalled on the opposite end of the spool. On somemachines this will correct the problem of manu-facturing tolerances and the slip will then beTM 5-3805-258-24-1T E S T I N G A N D A D J U S T I N GNEUTRALIZER VALVEL E F T N E U T R A L I Z E R V A L VE1. Striker. 2. Neutralizer valve. 3. Frame stop (one on each sideo f m a c h i n e ) .To check the adjustment of striker (1): a 12.7 mm (.50 in.) ball of putty (or similarmaterial) on both frame stops (3).Raise an empty bucket about 30 cm (12 in.) andrelease the brakes.With the engine at high idle, steer rapidly intoboth stops.Thickness of the putty must be 9.7 ± 3.7 mm(.38 ± .12 in.) after the turns. This is the clear-ance between the frame stops when a full turnis made.If the clearance is not correct, adjust the strikersuntil the dimension is correct.acceptable.4-55
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