A I R S Y S T E M A N D B R A K E STM 5-3805-258-24-1T E S T I N G A N D A D J U S T I N GAIR SYSTEM AND BRAKESWARNINGBefore making any tests or adjustments on thebrake system, stop the machine on levelground. Move the control knob for the parkingbrake to the ON position. Put blocks in front ofand behind the wheels. Permit only one man onthe machine. Keep all other personnel awayfrom the machine. Never disconnect any air orbrake fluid lines in the brake system until allpressure is removed. Failure to remove thispressure will have a sudden release of air orbrake fluid under high pressure. This can causeinjury to personnel. To remove the pressurefrom the brake system: Engage the parkingbrake. Stop the engine. Push on either brakepedal many times until there is no more brakeair pressure. When the pressure has been re-moved from the air circuit, there will be nopressure in the brake hydraulic circuit.NOTE: Before any operation checks are made, openthe drain valve to release any water in the air reser-voir. Water lowers the capacity in the reservoir andcan cause the air compressor to-run constantly. Closethe drain valve.VISUAL CHECKSBefore any operation checks are made to the airsystem and brakes, visually inspect the completesystem as follows: for cracks or wear in hoses and lines.Check for restriction of flow; like sharp bends,clamps that are not installed correctly, and dam-age to hoses and lines.Check for loose connections.Check for damage to components.AIR RELIEF VALVEThe relief valve opens at 1030 kPa ( 150 psi) and hasno adjustment.CHECKS FOR LEAKAGE IN AIR CIRCUITT o o l s N e e d e d : 0 t o 1 3 8 0 k P a ( 0 t o 2 0 0 p s i ) G a u g e .WARNINGMake reference to WARNING on first page ofAIR SYSTEM AND BRAKES TESTING AND AD-JUSTING section.NOTE: It is possible to hear the sound of air leakage.Air leakage can be seen when water with soap (soapywater) is put on the connections, valves and hoses.L O C A T I O N T O I N S T A L L G A U GE1. Drain valve for the air reservoir.1. Install a 0 to 1380 kPa (0 to 200 psi) gauge indrain valve (1) for the air reservoir.2. Start the engine and let the air pressure go up tothe cutout pressure. Stop the engine.NOTE: See chart for correct governor cutout pressureIf cutout pressure is not correct, see the subject, AIRCOMPRESSOR GOVERNOR.GOVERNOR AIR PRESSURESI2P7809 Govarnor(Models 950BNS and 950BS)Cut-In Pressure655 k 14 kPa(95 t 2 psi)Cutout Pressure758 k 14 kPa(110&2 psi)4N9680 Governor(Medals 950BNSCE and 950 BSCE)Cut-In Pressure700 + O – 35 kPa(100 +0-5 psi)Cutout Pressure825 ? 35 kPa(120 * 5 psi)4-59
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