A I R S Y S T E M A N D B R A K E SCONTROL VALVE FOR EMERGENCYAND PARKING BRAKET o o l s N e e d e d : 0 t o 1 3 8 0 k P a ( 0 t o 2 0 0 p s i ) G a u g e .Make reference to WARNING on first page ofAIR SYSTEM AND BRAKES TESTING AND AD-JUSTING section.WARNING1. O C A T I O N T O I N S T A L L G A U GE1. Drain valve of the air reservoir.Install a 0 to 1380 kPa (0 to 200 psi) gauge indrain valve (1) of the air reservoir.Start the engine and let the pressure go up tocutout pressure 725 ± 14 kPa (105 ± 2 psi).With the control knob for the emergency andparking brake in the OFF position (pushed in),stop the engine.Push one of the brake pedals rapidly severaltimes, until the control knob automaticallymoves to the ON position.Read the pressure on the gauge.The correct pressure to automatically engage theparking brake is 275 ± 35 kPa (40 ± 5 psi). If thepressure on the gauge is not correct, the opera-tion of the control valve for the secondary andparking brake is not correct.Disassemble the control valve and check forworn or damaged parts.If this does not correct the problem, install a newvalve.Remove the gauge.TM 5-3805-258-24-1T E S T I N G A N D A D J U S T I N GBRAKE CONTROL VALVESThe application of the wheel brakes must be thesame when either of the brake pedals are pushed.When the left pedal is pushed, the transmission isdisengaged and the brakes are activated. When theright pedal is pushed, only the brakes are activated.This is the only difference between the operation ofthese pedals.If the operation of the wheel brakes is not thesame between the two pedals, there is a failure inone of the control valves. Repair or replace thebrake control valve that has failed.LEAKAGE IN HYDRAULIC CIRCUITT o o l s N e e d e d : 9 S 7 6 9 2 I n v e r t e d F l a r e C o n n e c t o r .1 / 8 i n . P i p e P l u g .T a p e m e a s u r e .Make reference to WARNING on first page ofAIR SYSTEM AND BRAKES TESTING AND AD-JUSTING section.ProblemLoss of brake fluid from the reservoirs can becaused by one or more of the following reasons.1. Leakage at hose or tube connections or leakagethrough damaged hoses or tubes.2. Leakage around seals (1), (2) or (3) of the mas-ter cylinder. This leakage can be caused by in-correct installation or a cut or damaged seal.M A S T E R C Y L I N D E R1. Seal. 2. Seal. 3. Seals.4-61
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