TM 5-3805-258-24-2ENGINEFUEL INJECTIONDISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLYLINESREMOVE FUEL INJECTION LINES1252-111. Disconnect fuel lines (3) from the fuel injectionpump housing.2. Remove bolts (1) that hold the fuel lines to theengine.CAUTIONDo not let the tops of fuel nozzles turn when thefuel lines are loosened. The nozzles will bedamaged if the top of the nozzle turns in thebody. The engine will be damaged if a defectivefuel injection nozzle is used because the shapeof fuel (spray pattern) that comes out of thenozzles will not be correct.3.4.5.Use two wrenches, one to hold the fuel nozzlesso they will not turn and one to disconnect fuellines (2) from the nozzles.Remove the fuel lines from the engine.Put caps and plugs on the nozzles, fuel lines andfuel injection pump housing to keep dirt out ofthe fuel system.INSTALL FUEL INJECTION LINES1252-121. Make sure the fuel injection lines are clean anddry.2. Put fuel injection lines (1) in position and con-nect them to the fuel injection pump housing.CAUTIONDo not let the tops of fuel nozzles turn when thefuel line nuts are tightened. The nozzles will bedamaged if the top of the nozzle turns in thebody. The engine will be damaged if a defectivefuel injection nozzle is used because the shapeof fuel (spray pattern) that comes out of thenozzles will not be correct.3.4.5.Use a wrench to hold the nozzles so they willnot turn and connect fuel lines (1) to the noz-zles. Tighten the fuel lines to a torque of 40 ± 7N·m (30 ± 5 lb.ft.).Install bolts (2) that hold the fuel lines to theengine.Remove (bleed) the air from the fuel system.See MAINTENANCE GUIDE.5-76
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