TM 5-3805-258-24-2ENGINEFUEL INJECTIONDISASSEMBLE FUEL INJECTIONPUMPS1251-15start by:a) remove fuel injection pumpsCAUTIONBe careful when the injection pumps are disas-sembled. Do not damage the surfaces of theplungers, barrels and bonnets. Any scratcheswill cause leakage inside the fuel injectionpump. The plunger and barrel for each pumpare made as a set. Do not put the plunger of onepump in the barrel of another pump. If one parthas wear, install a complete new pump assem-bly. Be careful when the plunger is put into thebore of the barrel.1.2.Pull plunger (1) and washer (5) out of barrel (3)and spring (2).Remove washer (5) from plunger (l).CAUTIONDo not remove the gear from the plunger. Thegear and plunger are assembled and adjustedat the factory.3.4.5.Remove spring (2) from barrel (3).Remove ring (6) and make a separation of barrel(3) and bonnet (4).Remove check assembly (7) and spring (8) frombonnet (4). If check assembly (7) is disassem-bled, do not mix parts with parts from anothercheck assembly.ASSEMBLE FUEL INJECTIONPUMPS1251-16CAUTIONPut clean fuel oil on all parts during assembly. spring (2) and check assembly (1) in bon-net (3).Install bonnet (3) on barrel (4) and install ring (5)to hold them together. Do not slide bonnet (3)across barrel (4) because check assembly (1) inthe bonnet can cause damage to the face of barrel(4).Install spring (8) on barrel (4).Install washer (7) on plunger (6) with the flat sidetoward the gear on the plunger.Install plunger (6) in barrel (4) until washer (7) isengaged in the spring.end by:a) install fuel injection pumps5-78DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLYPUMPS
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