ENGINETM 5-3805-258-24-2DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY15. INJECTION PUMP HOUSING ANDInstall bolt (21) on the fuel injection pumpcamshaft without the washer.Install tooling (A) in the fuel injection pumphousing. Push on tool (A) and turn the fuelinjection pump camshaft. When tooling (A)slides down into the groove (slot) in the fuelinjection pump camshaft, the fuel injection pumpis in the No. 1 piston top center position.With tool (A) still in position remove the boltfrom fuel injection pump camshaft.Install the washer and the bolt in the fuel injec-tion pump camshaft. Make sure the washer isinstalled with the large outside diameter towardthe bolt head. Tighten the bolt finger tight only.Install tool (B) on the gear.Use two torque wrenches to put a clockwiseforce of 68 N·m (50 lb.ft.) on tool (B) to removethe gear clearance (backlash) while the bolt istightened to a torque of 270 ± 25 N·m ( 199 ±18 lb. ft.).Check the timing as follows to make sure it iscorrect:a) Remove the timing pin from the pump cam-shaft and the bolt from the flywheel.b) Turn the crankshaft clockwise (as seen fromthe front of the engine) approximately ½turn. Install the timing pin again.c) While the crankshaft is turned clockwise(as seen from the front of the engine), pushon the timing pin (A) until it slides into thegroove (slot) in the pump camshaft.d) Install the bolt in the flywheel.NOTE: The timing is correct when the bolt is in-stalled in the flywheel and the timing pin (A) isinstalled in the groove (slot) in the pump camshaft.22. Remove the bolt from the flywheel.GOVERNOR5-97
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