POWER TRAINTM 5-3805-258-24-2DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY23. AND REAR DIFFERENTIALSInstall the gasket and retainer (29) on housing(21).Install two 5/8”- 11 NC guide bolts in the car-rier assembly. Install shims (30) of the originalthickness on the carrier assembly.Fasten a hoist and put the pinion and housing(21) on the carrier assembly. Do not install theO-ring seal around housing (21) at this time.Install three bolts the same distance apart tohold housing (21) in the carrier assembly.Make an adjustment of the differential bearingpreload and the gear clearance (backlash)between the bevel gear and pinion as follows:a)b)c)d)e)Tighten the adjustment nuts until there is asmall amount of preload on the bearings.Install tool group (D) on the bevel gear asshown to check the gear clearance (back-lash) at four locations around the bevelgear 90° apart. Use the lowest indicationon tool group(D) as the correct gear clear-ance (backlash) value. The correct gearclearance (backlash) is 0.20 to 0.43 mm(.008 to .017 in.).If the gear clearance (backlash) is toomuch, loosen upper adjustment nut (18)and tighten lower adjustment nut (15) thesame amount to change the gear clearance(backlash). If the gear clearance (back-lash) is not enough, loosen lower adjust-ment nut ( 15) and tighten upper adjust-ment nut ( 18) the same amount to changethe gear clearance (backlash).Tighten upper adjustment nut (18) until atorque of 4.0 ± 0.6 N-m (35 ± 5 lb.in.) isneeded to turn the pinion shaft.Check the gear clearance (backlash) againas in Steps b and c.Make a check of the tooth contact settingbetween the bevel gear and pinion after thegear clearance (backlash) and bearing preloadadjustments have been made as follows:a) Put a small amount of Prussian blue, redlead or paint on the bevel gear teeth. Turnthe pinion in both directions and check themarks made on the bevel gear teeth.5-207
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