TM 5-3805-262-103-7. lNSPECTION (CONT)e.Wiring Harnesses.Inspect exposed wiring and connections for frayed or brokenwires and cracked or broken wire insulation. If any of these conditions are seen,notify organizational maintenance (wiring must be repaired).f.DriveShafts.(1)(2)(3)(4)Start engine and operate at idle speed.Turn loader fully right or left to gain accessto front drive shaft. Turn off engine.Pull up on parking brake control knob to applyparking brake.Grasp and try to rotate each drive shaft; checkfor movement indicating wear or damage. Checkthat universal joints mounting hardware are notloose. If any of these conditions are seen, no-tify organizational maintenance (drive shaftmust be removed and replaced).g.LoaderBucketAssembly.NOTEIf any of the following conditions are seen,notify organizational maintenance (must becorrected).(1)Inspect blade and clam assembly forcracks, breaks, or broken welds.(2) Check that hardware securing bucket pinsare tight and not loose.(3) Check that hardware securing bucketclamshell cylinder assemblies pins aretight and not loose.3-38
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