TM 5-3805-262-103-7. INSPECTION (CONT)i.ClamshellTeethAssemblies.NOTEIf any of the following conditions are seen, notifyorganizational maintenance (must be corrected).(1) At clamshell, check that tooth points are present.Check tooth points for cracks, breaks, or nicks.(2) Check that tooth shanks are securely mounted and notloose.13-8. SERVICING Ia.AirCleaner.NOTEElement assemblies should be serviced whenever restriction indicator redband is in view.(1) Precleaned Servicing.(a)Loosen cover wingnut, then remove coverand wingnut.(b)Remove precleaned bowl.(c)Dump any dust and for dirt contained in precleaned bowl.(d)Wash precleaned bowl in solution ofwater and general purpose detergent.Dry using clean cloth.(e)Install precleaned bowl on air cleanerbody .(f)Install cover and wingnut; hand tighten cover wingnut securely.( 2)Element Assemblies Servicing.(a)Loosen cover wingnut and remove cover assembly with wingnut attached.(b)Loosen and remove nut assembly.(c)Remove primary element assembly.(d)Loosen and remove nut assembly.(e)Remove secondary element assembly.3-40
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