TM 5-3805-262-102-17. OPERATING PROCEDURES (CONT)b. Starting the Loader (Cont).(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)The declutch treadle valve can be used during operation in any speedrange. The declutch treadle valve when pressed will disengage the trans-mission and apply service brakes. It is used when maximum power to loaderis needed. Use the declutch treadle valve to quickly raise bucket whenfilled by pressing treadle valve and pressing accelerator pedal to in-crease engine rpm.Check CLUTCH PRESS warning indicator on left instrument panel. This indi-cator will turn on when declutch treadle valve is pressed. If this indi-cator is flashing on and off or is on steadily and declutch treadle valveis not pressed, stop engine and notify organizational maintenance.Check CONV TEMP gage on left instrument panel. If gage pointer indicatesin red area, select a lower transmission speed. If pointer remains in redarea, stop operation, move transmission control lever to neutral (N) po-sition, and operate engine at full throttle for several minutes. If thisdoes not reduce temperature indication, stop engine and check transmis-sion oil level.Check WATER TEMP gage on left instrument panel. If gage pointer indicatesin red area, stop engine and check radiator coolant level.If low air pressure warning buzzer sounds, stop operation immediately.When air pressure gets below a safe level, parking brake will engageautomatically.If AUXILIARY STEERING warning buzzer sounds and warning indicator turnson, stop operation and turn off engine immediately. Be sure to turn igni-tion key switch to off position. Notify organizational maintenance imme-diately.If HYDRAULIC FILTER warning indicator turns on during operation, continueoperation and notify organizational maintenance at end of work shift.c. Stopping the Loader.(1)Press brake treadle valve to stop loader.(2)(3)(4)(5)Use LIFT ARM control lever placed inLOWER position to lower bucket toground then return control lever toNEUT. position.Put transmission control lever inneutral (N) position.Pull up on PARKING BRAKE control knobto engage parking brake.Operate engine at idle speed for ap-proximately two minutes.2-53
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