TM 5-3805-262-102-17. OPERATING PROCEDURES (CONT)a. Starting the Engine (Cont).Don’t operate starter motor more than 30 seconds . Wait at least threeminutes before cranking to allow batteries to recuperate and startermotor to cool. Failure to do so could cause damage to starter motor.(12) Turn ignition key switch to second clockwise position (start). Startermotor will crank engine. Note that HYDRAULIC FILTER warning indicatorturns on.Starting fluid is toxic and highly flammable. Container is pressurizedto act as an expellent. Don’t heat container and don’t discharge start-ing fluid in confined areas or near open flame. Don’t discard used con-tainer in an open flame. To do any of the above will cause an explosion.Don’t breathe ether vapor or allow ether to come in contact with yourskin. To do so will cause severe injury or death.(13) If temperature is below 40 degrees, use COLD START switch. With startermotor cranking engine, push and release COLD START switch two times.(14) When engine starts, release ignition key switch; it will return to firstclockwise position. See that HYDRAULIC FILTER warning indicator turnsoff.If OIL PRESS warning indicator does not turn off within ten to 15 se-conds after starting engine, turn off engine and check cause.(15) Check instrument panel indicators and gages for proper indication:2-50(a) Ten to 15 seconds after engine starts, check that OIL PRESS warning in-dicator turns off. If it does not turn off, stop engine and investigatecause.
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