TM 5-3805-262-20
Plug or cap hoses disconnected or removed and plug clam cylinder assem-
b l y p o r t s i n f o l l o w i n g s t e p s t o p r e v e n t f o r e i g n m a t t e r f r o m e n t e r i ng
hydraulic system.
( 7)
Tag and disconnect hoses (1 and 2) from clam cylinder assembly ports.
At top of cylinder assembly, remove locknut (3) and capscrew (4).
Using hammer and 1-3/8 inches diameter rod, drive pin (5) from cylinder
rod eye.
At bottom of cylinder assembly, loosen and remove lock nut (6) and cap-
screw (7).
Using hammer and 1-3/8 inches diameter rod, drive pin (8) out of cylinder
tube yoke.
Remove clam cylinder assembly (9) from bucket.
If necessary, remove two elbows and 0-rings (10) from clam cylinder as-
sembly (9) ports. Discard 0-rings.
To remove remaining clam cylinder assembly, perform steps (1) through
(8) above.