TM 5-3805-262-203-33. STARTING SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION3. STARTER CRANKS SLOWLY (UNDER 200 RPM) (Cont).S t e p 8 . ( C o n t ).b. If VTM display indicates over 0.4 volt, remove starter negativecable (page 5-158). Clean starter motor terminal, battery nega-tive post, and cable terminals. Reinstall cable and repeat abovetest. If VTM display still indicates over 0.4 volt, replaces t a r t e r n e g a t i v e c a b l e .Step 9. Move red test clip of test probe cableW2 to S terminal of starter solenoid,Press and release TEST button.Crank engine and watch VTM display.VTM display should indicate 18 volts ormore.a. If VTM display is less than 18 volts,go to step 10 below.b. If VTM display is 18 volts or morea n d i f s t a r t e r c i r c u i t r e s i s t a n c e w ashigh in step 4, page 3-277 above, goto step 15 below.c. If VTM display is 18 volts or more and if VTM displayed GO instep 4, page 3-277 above, go to step 16 below.Step 10. Dial 67 into TEST SELECT.NOTEIf VTM is not powered by loader batteries, move red test clip of testprobe cable W2 to battery positive post. Dial 89 into TEST SELECT.Press and release TEST button.Crank engine and watch VTM display.VTM display should indicate 18 volts or more while cranking engine.a. If VTM display was not 18 volts or more while cranking engine,go to page 3-286, battery system troubleshooting, MALFUNCTION 2.b. If VTM display was 18 volts or more while cranking engine, go toMALFUNCTION 1 above (page 3-266).3-279
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