TM 5-3805-262-20INSTALLATION(1)( 2)(3)( 4)(5)(6)(7)( 8)( 9)(10)Inspect adapter (5) for deformation or cracked or bent stud; replace asn e c e s s a r y.Install shaft of wiper motorassembly (10) through hole infront of cab.T e l l a s s i s t a n t t o i n s t a l l g a s -ket (6) and adapter (5), and toloosely install two lock wash-ers (4) and capscrews (3) whileyou hold wiper motor assembly( 1 0 ) i n p o s i t i o n.Connect cab wiring harnessspade terminals (8) to wipermotor assembly terminals (9) bygrasping with long nose pliersand firmly pushing onto wipermotor assembly terminals fol-lowing tags applied in step (6)of REMOVAL above (page 10-13).Install wiper motor assemblycover (7) on wiper motor assem-bly (10). Tighten two capscrews( 3 ) s e c u r e l y .Install nut (2) on wiper motor assembly (10) shaft and tighten nut se-c u r e l y .Install boot (1) over nut (2) and wiper motor assembly (10) shaft.Install wiper arm on wiper motor assembly shaft (page 10-12).Connect battery ground cable (page 5-151).Set key switch to ON position and set FRONT WIPER switch to HI positionthen to LO position. Check that wiper blade moves. Set key switch to OFFposition and FRONT WIPER switch to OFF position. If wiper blade does notmove, refer to troubleshooting procedures (page 3-159).10-17
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