TM 5-3805-262-34
4. LOSS OF POWER (Cont).
Step 2. Remove converter temperature sending unit (refer to TM 5-3805-262-
20) .
Connect pressure gage hose to transmission port from which converter
temperature sending unit was removed. Be sure pressure gage hose is
long enough so that you can read gage from operators seat in cab.
Start engine and operate at idle speed. If CONV TEMP gage pointer is
not approximately 1/2 inch from bottom of gage:
Be sure parking brake valve knob is pushed in.
Press brake treadle and valve and move transmission control lever
to H position.
Increase engine speed to full throttle and hold for 30 seconds.
Set transmission control lever to N position and operate engine at
idle speed for ten seconds.
Repeat the above until CONV TEMP gage needle is approximately 1/2
inch from bottom of gage.
Increase engine speed to full throttle. Be sure transmission control
lever is in N position. Pressure gage should indicate 40 psi.
Decrease engine speed to idle and turn off engine.
a. If pressure gage indication was higher than 40 psi, a restric-
tion exists in oil cooler circuit. Disconnect transmission
cooler lines and check for restriction (refer to TM 5-3805-262-
20). Flush and clean oil cooler located at bottom of radiator.