TM 5-3805-262-342-13. STEERING SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION3. SLOW OR HARD STEERING (Cont).Step 3. (Cont).c. If efficiency determined in above test is below 75 percent, re-move and replace hydraulic pump (page 3-612). If efficiency isabove 75 percent, go to step 4 below.Step 4.Perform steering circuit anda. If pressure readings areflow control valve (pageb. If pressure readings arecified in above test, gorelief valve test no. 2 (page 3-505).not as specified in test no. 2, replace3-566).okay, and flow readings are not as spe-to step 5 below.Step 5.perform steering cylinder tests (page 3-560).a. If steering cylinders check okay, replace steering gear (page3-510). Go to step 6 below.b. If steering cylinders don’t check okay, replace defective steer-ing cylinder (page 3-562).Step 6.Disassemble steering gear(page 3-512).Inspect rotor and statorfor cracks, distortion, ordamage.Put rotor in stator. Usethickness gage to measureclearance between rotorand stator as shown.Clearance must not exceed0.005 inch.a. If clearance between rotor and stator exceeds 0.005 inch, re-place rotor and stator (page 3-518); replace rotor or stator ifcracked, distorted, or damaged (page 3-518).b. If rotor and stator check okay, go to step 7 below.Step 7.Inspect drive shaft of steering gear for damaged gear teeth.a. If gear teeth of drive shaft are damaged, replace drive shaft(page 3-518).b.If gear teeth of drive shaft check okay, go to step 8 below.2-116
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