TM 5-3805-262-34REMOVAL (SHEET 4 OF 4)6Repeat steps 4 and 5 above to re-move each remaining capscrew (9)and lock washer (10).(x) Attach lifting fixture to engineat front and rear cylinder headstuds.When using chain hoist to remove or in-stall parts, be sure chain hoist issecurely fastened to the part and that allslack in chain is taken up. Failure to dOso could cause serious injury due to thepart falling on you. If you are injured byfalling equipment, obtain medical aid im-mediately.(Y) Attach chain hoist to lifting fix-ture and take up slack.NOTEIt may be necessary to support trans-mission using transmission jack.(z) Remove 10 capscrews (11) and lock washers (12).Check that all hoses, lines, and electrical connections are disconnectedas engine is lifted from loader. If necessary, lower engine and discon-nect remaining hoses, lines, or electrical connections.(aa) Raise rear of engine usingchain hoist to clear loaderframe.(ah) Move engine toward rear ofloader. Then lift and removeengine from loader.3-29
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