TM 5-3805-262-34
ac. Remove ball
(1) Cut a 3
4 OF 4)
bearing (49):
inch length of steel
pipe suitable for removal of
ball bearing. Inside diameter
of pipe must be larger than
ball bearing (49); outside
diameter of pipe must be small
enough to support center sec-
tion of drive end frame (52).
Support center section of
drive end frame (52) on
steel pipe.
(3) Press ball bearing (49)
from drive end frame (52)
using appropriate driver
and hydraulic press.
Remove bearing plate (50) and gasket (51). Discard gasket (51).
At slip ring end frame (58), remove roll pin (53) and bushing (54).
Remove needle bearing (56):
Cut a 4 inch length of steel pipe suitable
for removal of needle bearing. Inside di-
ameter of pipe must be larger than needle
bearing, seal, and plug; outside diameter
of pipe must be small enough to support
center section of slip ring end frame (58)
Support center section of slip
ring end frame (58) on steel
Position appropriate driver on
plug (57).
Press seal (55), needle
bearing (56), and plug (57)
from slip ring end frame (58)
using hydraulic press.
Discard seal (55) and plug (57).