TM 5-3805-262-343-13. FLOWMETER TESTS (CONT)TEST NO. 2 - STEERING CIRCUIT AND RELIEF VALVE (SHEET 4 OF 5)o.p.q.r.s.t.u.v.w.x.Continue to operate engine at full throttle. Turn steering wheel to rightand close flowmeter PRESSURE VALVE control. Record flowmeter PRESSURE gagereading. This reading is the pressure at which relief valve is completelyopen.Open flowmeter PRESSURE VALVE control completely and turn off engine.If reading recorded in step n above is not between 2400 to 2600 psi, flowcontrol valve is defective. Remove, replace, and repair flow control valve(page 3-566) (relief valve is defective and must be replaced).If reading recorded in step o above is less than 2100 psi, flow controlvalve is defective. Remove, replace, and repair flow control valve (page3-566) (relief valve is defective and must be replaced).Start and operate engine at 2000 rpm.Before performing following step, warn personnel to stay away from sidesof loader between front and rear chassis. Failure to do so will causedeath or serious injury to those personnel due to chassis pivoting andcrushing them. If personnel are injured, obtain medical assistanceimmediately.Turn steering wheel to right and close flowmeter PRESSURE VALVE controluntil flowmeter PRESSURE gage indicates 2100 psi. If necessary, adjustengine speed to 2000 rpm by further depressing accelerator pedal. Recordflowmeter FLOW gage reading.Turn steering wheel completely to left until loader stops turning.Hold steering wheel completely to left and adjust flowmeter PRESSURE VALVEcontrol until flowmeter PRESSURE gage indicates 2100 psi. If necessary,adjust engine speed to 2000 rpm by further depressing accelerator pedal.Record flowmeter FLOW gage reading.Open flowmeter PRESSURE VALVE controlIf readings recorded in steps t and vreadings obtained at same pressure inis good.completely and turn off engine.above are approximately the same astest no. 1 steps p and r, the circuit3-508
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