TM 5-3805-262-34DISASSEMBLY (SHEET 2 OF 3)c.Remove rod (16) with gland (14) and pistons (3 and 4).straight out of cylinder tube (19) to prevent damagingd.e.Remove by pullingcylinder tube.In following step, put clean cloths between support stand and rod (16)to prevent damaging rod.Put rod (16) eye in vise and asupport stand under rod nearpistons (3 and 4).Remove capscrew (1) and washer (2)from rod (16). If necessary, usetorque wrench multiplier.LEGEND1. Capscrew2. Washer3. Piston4. Piston5. Packing assemblies (2)6. Ring7. O-ring8. Backup ring9. Seal10. Seal11. Wiper12. Bushing13. Plug14. Gland15. Bushing16. Rod17. Lubrication fitting18. Bushings (2)19. Cylinder tube3-723
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