TM 5-3805-262-34SHEET 3 OF 3NOTEAs piston rod is extended in following steps, oil will flow from opencylinder port.(16) Hold CLAM control lever in CLOSE position until bucket clamshell cylinderassemblies are fully extended and clam assembly is closed. Return CLAMcontrol lever to HOLD position.When using chain hoist tosupport parts, be sure chainhoist is securely fastened topart and that all slack in chainis taken up. Failure to do socould cause serious injury dueto part falling on you. If youa reinjured by fallingequipment, obtain medical aidimmediately.(17) Hold LIFT ARM control lever inRAISE position until lift cylin-(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)der assemblies are fully extendedand bucket is at full height.Tell assistant to take up allslack in chain hoist to supportlift arm. Return LIFT ARM controllever to NEUT. position.Hold BUCKET control lever in DUMPposition until bucket tilt cylin-ders are fully extended and buck-et is dumped. Return BUCKET con-trol lever to NEUT. position.Turn off engine.Connect hydraulic hose to rod endof each hydraulic cylinder assem-bly (refer to TM 5-3805-262-20).Check hydraulic reservoir oil level.Add oil if level is low (refer to TM5-3805-262-20).Start and operate engine at idle speed. While assistant lowers chainhoist attached to lift arm crossbeam, operate LIFT ARM control lever inLOWER position until bucket is resting on ground.Turn off engine and disconnect chain hoist from lift arm.3-759 (3-760 blank)
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