TM 5-3805-262-343-29. CLEANING HYDRAULIC SYSTEM (CONT)b. FlushingWaterfromHydraulicSystem(Sheet1of3). This task covers removalof water from hydraulic system oil.TOOLS: Chain hoistMATERIAL REQUIRED: Lubricating oil (Appendix C, item 15)PERSONNEL REQUIRED: Two Construction Equipment Mechanics MOS 62BREFERENCES: TM 5-3805-262-20(1)Start engine and operate at 1500 rpm.(2) Fully retract all hydraulic cylinders:(a) Hold LIFT ARM control lever in LOWER position until bucket is fully low-ered, then return LIFT ARM control lever to NEUT. position.(b) Hold BUCKET control lever in CROWD position until bucket is fully rolledback, then return BUCKET control lever to NEUT. position.(c) Hold CLAM control lever in OPEN position until clam assembly is fullyopen, then return CLAM control lever to HOLD position.When using chain hoist tosupport parts, be sure chainhoist is securely fastenedto part and that all slackinchain is taken up.Failure to do so could causeserious injury due to partfalling on you. If you arei n j u r e db y f a l l i n gequaid(3)(4)(5)ipment, obtain medicalimmediately.Connect chain hoist to clamassembly. Take up all slack inchain hoist to support clamassembly in fully open posi-tion as shown.Turn off engine.Drain, clean, and refill hy-draulic reservoir (refer to TM5-3805-262-20).3-757
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