TM 5-3805-262-344-1. ENGINE MAINTENANCE (CONT)g.PistonsandConnectingRods (Cont).REMOVAL (SHEET 3 OF 3)(3) Check six connecting rods (2)for numbers identifying theirlocation in cylinder block. Ifnumbers are not present, numberrods and caps using paint to aidreinstallation in their originallocation.NOTEDo not mix piston (3) and connectingrod (2) mating parts. Keep sixpiston assemblies (1 thru 10) sep-arate.(4)Remove two splined head screws ((5) Remove connecting rod (2) cap.(6) Push connecting rod (2) up through cylinder block using wooden dowel thenremove piston assembly from cylinder block.NOTERepeat steps (4) through (6) above to remove remaining piston assem-blies.(7)Install three flat washers and 5/8-11 by 3/4 inch capscrews as shown tohold cylinder sleeves in position.4-44
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