TM 5-3805-298-23-1
Table 1. Air Conditioner Does Not Blow Cold When A/C Is Turned On and
Temperature Control Panel Is Set on Maximum Cool.
Air Conditioner Does Not
Test Step 1. Test Fan Operation.
1. Turn battery disconnect switch and
Blow Cold When A/C Is
ignition switch to ON position
Turned On and Temperature
(TM 5-3805-298-10).
Control Panel Is Set on
2. Turn heater A/C switch to A/C ON
Maximum Cool
(TM 5-3805-298-10).
3. Turn heater control knob to
maximum cold
(TM 5-3805-298-10).
4. Using MSD, select C6.6 924 and
Event and Diagnostic Codes Are Not
Active - Proceed to step 5.
check for active event and
Event or Diagnostic Codes Are
active diagnostic codes first.
5. Turn blower switch to I, II, and III
Blower Fan Operates in All Three
Speeds - Proceed to step 6.
(TM 5-3805-298-10) and test
output of blower fan.
Blower Fan Does Not Operate in One
or More Speeds - Troubleshoot blower
6. Verify primary and secondary
Fans Are On - Proceed to Test Step 2.
One or More Primary or Secondary
Condenser Fans Do Not Operate -