TM 5-3805-298-23-2
Table 1. Kickout System Will Not Operate or Operates Improperly Continued.
b. Have assistant touch magnet to
Kickout System Will Not
back side of lift kickout position
Operate or Operates
sensor and remove magnet.
Improperly - Continued
Yellow LED will turn OFF for
approximately 3 seconds and
then turn ON.
When yellow LED is OFF,
When LED is illuminated,
multimeter should display
voltage of 18 to 26 V.
c. Repeat step b as necessary to
verify operation.
5. Using digital multimeter
Voltage Changes Accordingly
Proceed to step 6.
between connector C-C22 terminal
Voltage Fails to Change Accordingly
1 and terminal 8 (WP 0012,
Proceed to Test Step 47.
Figure 232) as follows:
a. Have assistant touch magnet
to back side of carry kickout
position sensor (Figure 11,
Item 3) and remove magnet.
Yellow LED (Figure 11, Item 4)
will turn OFF for approximately
1 second and then turn ON.
When yellow LED is OFF,
When LED is lit, multimeter
should display voltage of 18 to
26 V.
b. Repeat step a as necessary to
verify operation.