TM 5-3805-298-23-2
Table 1. Kickout System Will Not Operate or Operates Improperly Continued.
Test Step 9. Test Switch Function of
Kickout System Will Not
Lift and Carry Kickout Position
Operate or Operates
Improperly - Continued
1. Test lift kickout position sensor
LED Operates Accordingly on Both
(Figure 8, Item 2) and carry kickout
Sensors Proceed to Test Step 10.
position sensor (Figure 8, Item 3)
LED Fails to Operate Accordingly on
as follows:
Lift Kickout Position Sensor
a. Remove two bolts
Proceed to Test Step 45.
(Figure 8, Item 7), washers
LED Fails to Operate Accordingly on
(Figure 8, Item 8), and bracket
Carry Kickout Position Sensor
(Figure 8, Item 5) from
Proceed to Test Step 47.
Yellow LED should turn on within 60 seconds to initialize sensor.
b. Touch magnet
(Figure 8, Item 6) to back side
of lift kickout position sensor
(Figure 8, Item 2) and remove
magnet. If yellow LED
(Figure 8, Item 1) is illuminated,
it should turn OFF. Wait 1 to 60
seconds and yellow LED
should turn ON.
c. Touch magnet to back side of
lift kickout position sensor and
remove magnet. Yellow LED
should turn OFF for
approximately 1 second and
then turn ON.
d. Touch magnet to back side of
carry kickout position sensor
(Figure 8, Item 3) and remove
magnet. Yellow LED
(Figure 8, Item 4) should turn
OFF for approximately 1
second and then turn ON.
e. Repeat steps c and d as
necessary to verify operation.